Happy people are beautiful..

Make-up doesn't make you pretty being yourself makes you beautiful..

If you're reading this you're beautiful..

Tuesday 3 May 2011

would like to wish all those wonderful moms out there a very Happy Mother's Day!

The Hardest Job in the WORLD is being a MOM...no holidays, no promotions, no raise, no days off! But it is by FAR the BEST Job! Lol ahahaha..

Happy Mother's Day to the mother's to be, the mother's that are, the father's who are mother's..(FAMoM)...

God bless all the moms of the world on mothers day n a special thought 2 all the moms n grandma's that are no longer here but remain in r thoughts n hearts...

Monday 2 May 2011

Katy Brand as Beyonce gets through to the Let's Dance for Sport Relief f...

“I am in shape. Round is a shape.” Lol